Site/Nonsite Detroit: Poetry @ASAP Brian Ang (Oakland, CA; editor of Armed Cell); Sara Larsen; (Oakland, CA; organizer of The Public School); David Lau (Santa Cruz, CA; editor of Lana Turner); Rob Halpern (Ypsilanti, MI; author of Music for Porn); Jonathan Stalling (Norman, OK; author of Yingelishi); UIjana Wolf (Berlin/Brooklyn; author of falsche freunde). Hosted…
Tag: Tyrone Williams
Tyrone Williams and Mel Nichols at MOCAD tonight 12/15, 7 p.m.
Catch visiting poets Tyrone Williams and Mel Nichols tonight, December 15, at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD). The event is at 7:00 p.m. It’s free and includes admission to the museum, which is located in an old warehouse space on Woodward Ave. Find out more here: