By: Maria Kornacki The main takeaway I got from Janet Kauffman’s Eco Dementia reading was the power of bringing people and environments together through writing. Not only through writing, but through visual media to help make connections to our world. Janet Kauffman began her reading performance with defining her own term “Eco-Dementia” as being the…
Tag: review
A series of Reviews by Nicholas Hohman
October 18, 2012: Collaboration Panel When I did research papers in middle school, before the internet was the first place anyone went to for information, I remember pulling heavy encyclopedias and informative books that had several volumes in the series. When citing them there would always be several authors, which made sense because there was…
Nathan Gehoski Reviews November 2012 Bathhouse Events
“So after running around like a crazy person most of yesterday getting ready for the event, I finally got to sit down and enjoy the fruits of 4-6 months of waiting and working and worrying!
Taylor Cyr Reviews November 2012 Bathhouse Events
I’m sitting in the scratchy auditorium chair, flipping through my phone. I got here early because I hate crowds and I wanted to get a seat close to the end so I can make a quick get away once this is over. I know, I know -I’m a terrible person. These Bathhouse events are for the students….
Eric Corliss Reviews November 2012 Bathhouse Events
On November 28 and 29 two Bathhouse reading events took place in the auditorium of Roosevelt hall on campus. There were three authors in the event, beginning with a reading on the afternoon of the 28th and a panel discussion including audience questions on the 29th.
Matteson Roark Reviews November 2012 Bathhouse Events
As I listened to Dmitri, I found myself writing down his words/lines, but only the ones I took as sexual content or a sexual response. Here’s the poem that it created:
Karen Thompson Reviews November 2012 Bathhouse Events
Day 1 On the first day of the Bathhouse readings we listened to Dimitri Anastasopoulos, Camille Roy, and Rachel Letvisky read from some of their past works as well as new pieces either recently published or currently being written. Having four creative writing classes this semester I’ve read pieces from every one of those writers.