By: Maria Kornacki The main takeaway I got from Janet Kauffman’s Eco Dementia reading was the power of bringing people and environments together through writing. Not only through writing, but through visual media to help make connections to our world. Janet Kauffman began her reading performance with defining her own term “Eco-Dementia” as being the…
Tag: response
Review of Janet Kauffman’s in-class discussion of ‘Eco-dementia’ (9/26/17)
By: Adam Malinowski FERN VERSE “i believe any string of words put together makes meaning” — Kauffman, at Emu, 9/26 the image of the fish (or, the logic of k=q=e) is the magical manifesto of Janet Kauffman’s Eco-dementia, a book of poems where all things—language, life, and all beings—are equal. Kauffman’s poetics nestle language thick inside…