By: Adam Malinowski FERN VERSE “i believe any string of words put together makes meaning” — Kauffman, at Emu, 9/26 the image of the fish (or, the logic of k=q=e) is the magical manifesto of Janet Kauffman’s Eco-dementia, a book of poems where all things—language, life, and all beings—are equal. Kauffman’s poetics nestle language thick inside…
Tag: reading
Recap: 2nd Fall 2017 BathHouse Event featuring Joanna Ruocco
Thank you to all of those in attendance at our 2nd Fall 2017 BathHouse event featuring Joanna Ruocco and a special thank you to all of those who participated in the discussion following her reading. Pictures from the event are posted below. Keep in mind that we are still accepting submissions for reviews.
Our very own creative writing professor Christine Hume will be reading at Literati Bookstore in Ann Arbor, MI on Friday, November 3rd, 2017 at 7:00pm, alongside two poets, Donald Dunbar and Becky Win. Literati Bookstore is located at 124 E. Washington St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Christine Hume is the author of The Saturation Project (Solid Objects,…
2nd Fall 2017 BathHouse Event featuring a Fiction Reading by Joanna Ruocco
BathHouse Events is pleased to announce our 2nd Fall 2017 BathHouse Event: a Fiction Reading by Joanna Ruocco. Once again, we are open to receiving Reviews about the event. Please submit reviews through our site or by emailing
Karen Thompson Reviews November 2012 Bathhouse Events
Day 1 On the first day of the Bathhouse readings we listened to Dimitri Anastasopoulos, Camille Roy, and Rachel Letvisky read from some of their past works as well as new pieces either recently published or currently being written. Having four creative writing classes this semester I’ve read pieces from every one of those writers.
Upcoming Temporal Arts Collective Event
Great news! Upcoming performances by the Temporal Arts Collective. The event, [ a n o c t a v e ], will be taking place Saturday November 17th at 9:00pm 106. N. Adams Apt. 2 in Ypsilanti. The event promises to be “an evening of contemporary poetry.” A mix of performers, alums, current undergrads, graduate students…
Upcoming events Week of October 22nd
Hello. Greetings from the ether, this week are two events that I think the community ought to be aware of. Both will be reviewed by the EMU:CW:B staff and/or its affiliates. Chronologically the first event is Storytellers Lounge. This event is held in the Student Center room 300 and begins at 9pm October 25th, this…
An account of the events of September 21st by Rebecca Hughes
One never knows what to expect when they show up to a reading, but you know when it’s a Prof’s house, that the A-game will be brought. First Wendy Kramer presented, “The Morton Salt Girl Monologue: NaCl and the Meaning of Her Mark” accompanied by collaged trademark images she had created of the changing icon…