By: Maria Kornacki The main takeaway I got from Janet Kauffman’s Eco Dementia reading was the power of bringing people and environments together through writing. Not only through writing, but through visual media to help make connections to our world. Janet Kauffman began her reading performance with defining her own term “Eco-Dementia” as being the…
Tag: poet
Review of Janet Kauffman’s in-class discussion of ‘Eco-dementia’ (9/26/17)
By: Adam Malinowski FERN VERSE “i believe any string of words put together makes meaning” — Kauffman, at Emu, 9/26 the image of the fish (or, the logic of k=q=e) is the magical manifesto of Janet Kauffman’s Eco-dementia, a book of poems where all things—language, life, and all beings—are equal. Kauffman’s poetics nestle language thick inside…
Our very own creative writing professor Christine Hume will be reading at Literati Bookstore in Ann Arbor, MI on Friday, November 3rd, 2017 at 7:00pm, alongside two poets, Donald Dunbar and Becky Win. Literati Bookstore is located at 124 E. Washington St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Christine Hume is the author of The Saturation Project (Solid Objects,…
Bathhouse and more
This week is jam packed with creative writing. Bathhouse reading series presents two performers. November 28th will be a reading featuring Dimitri Anatasopoulo, Camille Roy, and Rachel Levitsky. Then, join us on the 29th for a panel discussion with our presenters moderated by our own Carla Harryman entitled: Intersections: Community, Politics and Art. The event takes place at Roosevelt…
An account of the events of September 21st by Rebecca Hughes
One never knows what to expect when they show up to a reading, but you know when it’s a Prof’s house, that the A-game will be brought. First Wendy Kramer presented, “The Morton Salt Girl Monologue: NaCl and the Meaning of Her Mark” accompanied by collaged trademark images she had created of the changing icon…