Site/Nonsite Detroit: Poetry @ASAP Brian Ang (Oakland, CA; editor of Armed Cell); Sara Larsen; (Oakland, CA; organizer of The Public School); David Lau (Santa Cruz, CA; editor of Lana Turner); Rob Halpern (Ypsilanti, MI; author of Music for Porn); Jonathan Stalling (Norman, OK; author of Yingelishi); UIjana Wolf (Berlin/Brooklyn; author of falsche freunde). Hosted…
Tag: Barrett Watten
Gerard Breitenbeck reviews Eric Lorberer and Barrett Watten
EMU grad student Gerard Breitenbeck reviews the recent BathHouse reading that featured Eric Lorberer and Barrett Watten: Ned Randolph introduced first Eric Lorberer who went on to speak about public art, art in a shared space and related questions of ownership and permanence vs. ephemerally. He focused on the Ashbury Bridge in Minneapolis. A person…
David Boeving reviews Eric Loberer & Barrett Watten BathHouse reading
It’s the first BathHouse review of Winter ’11. This one is courtesy David Boeving: Eric Loberer began the initial reading for the 2011 EMU Creative Writing department’s BathHouse reading series by providing an extensive portrayal and interpretation of the Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge (better known as the John Ashbery bridge) as it relates to the…
Reminder: BathHouse Reading, Tue, Jan 18, 6:00 p.m. – Eric Lorberer and Barrett Watten
Don’t miss the first BathHouse reading of Winter semester! This reading will feature Eric Lorberer and Barrett Watten and takes place Tuesday, January 18, at 6:00 p.m. in the Student Center Auditorium. Visit the BathHouse page on the Creative Writing web site for more information about this and all other BathHouse readings.
Winter 2011 BathHouse Readings
Get ready for BathHouse readings this Winter semester! The Bathhouse Reading Series brings in a number of writers and artists—both innovative established writers and exciting up-and-comers—who perform readings of their work at EMU. See video of past readings and performances here. For more information on these readings, contact the EMU English Department at 734.487.4220….