Several of the December Creative/Imaginative Writing graduation candidates have expressed interest in an end-of-the-year public reading.
There is already an end of the academic year Creative Writing showcase scheduled for April and this additional reading will not affect those graduates who would like to read at that time. This is an additional reading to specifically honor our December graduates and all are invited!
Please let Prof. Tracie Morris know if you are a CRTW student graduating in December and would like to read for the 12/11/07 celebration. It’ll be in the Corillon room of Halle library on the Third floor from 5:30 – 8:30 on 12/11/07. Work will also be on display for multimedia art.
The order will be: undergrad December candidates, Graduate December candidates, a brief break and then…
There will also be a general open mic presentation for the campus community right after the reading/presentation of the CRTW graduates. Actors, slam poets and multidisciplinary arts performers are invited to join the festivities! This is officially an English department event, but we hope that non-majors, future majors, graduate students and those who just like to write and read aloud, will join us for the reading. There is no genre or discipline limitation for the open mic. Just bring your best “game”!
If you’d like to sign up, send an email along to Prof. Tracie Morris at: tmorris4 <at>
Looking forward to seeing you in December!