The final BathHouse reading of the semester is tonight!
Monday, November 3, 7:00 pm
Dreamland Theater
26 N. Washington Street, Ypsilanti
Directions to Dreamland Theater from EMU :
PETER MARKUS is the author of three short books of short-short fiction, Good, Brother, The Moon is a Lighthouse, and The Singing Fish, as well as a novel, Bob, or Man on Boat (Dzanc Books 2008). His stories have appeared widely in such magazines as Chicago Review, Black Warrior Review, Massachusetts Review, New Orleans Review, Quarterly West, among many others, as well as in a number of flash fiction anthologies including New Sudden Fiction and Sudden Stories. He grew up in Trenton, Michigan, and lives there still.
Links to Markus’s work and an interview:
RENEE GLADMAN is the author of Arlem, Not Right Now, Juice The Activist, A Picture Feeling, and Newcomer Can’t Swim. Since 2004, she has been the editor and publisher of Leon Works, a perfect bound series of books for experimental prose. She was previously the editor of the Leroy chapbook series, publishing innovative poetry and prose by emerging writers. She teaches writing at Brown University.
Read her work at Tarpaulin Sky
From The Ravickians
Review of The Activist
Bookslut: The Activist