It excites the Creative Writing blog to announce the Creative Writing Graduate Showcase on Thursday, April 18th from six until eight in the evening. This blessed event will be hosted in the Carillon Room in the Halle Library on EMU‘s campus. The graduate performances promise to “blow down doors and hurl windows from the highest…
Category: Events
EMU’s CW students’ public collaboration makes national news
Hats off to undergrads Sam Schimmel, Eric Corliss, Karen Thompson, Taylor Cyr, and Garret Stralnic from Christine Hume’s “Collaboration and Community Projects” and Linette Lao’s “Mixed Media” classes! Their work has received national attention in the New York Daily News. The members were from the collaborative group known as Operation Mongoose 2012 whose public work urges a remembrance of books and bookstores…
Bathhouse and more
This week is jam packed with creative writing. Bathhouse reading series presents two performers. November 28th will be a reading featuring Dimitri Anatasopoulo, Camille Roy, and Rachel Levitsky. Then, join us on the 29th for a panel discussion with our presenters moderated by our own Carla Harryman entitled: Intersections: Community, Politics and Art. The event takes place at Roosevelt…
Upcoming Temporal Arts Collective Event
Great news! Upcoming performances by the Temporal Arts Collective. The event, [ a n o c t a v e ], will be taking place Saturday November 17th at 9:00pm 106. N. Adams Apt. 2 in Ypsilanti. The event promises to be “an evening of contemporary poetry.” A mix of performers, alums, current undergrads, graduate students…
CW Faculty and Student Performances
This past week was a big one for both students and faculty. Performers from each echelon exhibited work in the Detroit Metro Area. Both Dr. Christine Hume and CW Grad Student Danielle Etienne were among the artists performing. On Thursday November 8th at 7:00pm at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD), the blog bore witness to…
Past and Future
The Gregory Brothers incoming to EMU campus November 28th. That’s one week after thanks giving. They will be “speaking” in the Student Center Grand Ballroom, their performance begins at 7:00pm. The Gregory Brothers, of auto tune the news fame, are sure to brighten a dreary November with their unique comedy.
Upcoming events Week of October 22nd
Hello. Greetings from the ether, this week are two events that I think the community ought to be aware of. Both will be reviewed by the EMU:CW:B staff and/or its affiliates. Chronologically the first event is Storytellers Lounge. This event is held in the Student Center room 300 and begins at 9pm October 25th, this…
An account of the events of September 21st by Rebecca Hughes
One never knows what to expect when they show up to a reading, but you know when it’s a Prof’s house, that the A-game will be brought. First Wendy Kramer presented, “The Morton Salt Girl Monologue: NaCl and the Meaning of Her Mark” accompanied by collaged trademark images she had created of the changing icon…
Silent Films of Yasujiro Ozu at U-M this Fall
The U-M Center for Japanese Studies Fall Film Series of 2012 features nine Fridays of silent films by Yasujiro Ozu with professional benshi (narrator), Ichiro Kataoka, performing theatrical narration at each screening. Most films will also include a live music accompaniment. The series kicks off with a special event on Friday, September 14th in the…
Electric Ocean Strip Search presents Speak Easy: August 21, 6:30 p.m.
Electric Ocean Strip Search, a monthly performance series in collaboration with the EMU Student Creative Writing Group, will present Speak Easy on Tuesday, August 21, at 6:30 p.m. at Germack Coffee Roasting Company (2517 Russell St, Detroit). The Germack Coffee Roasting Company is co-sponsoring this event. New poets and experienced performers are invited to participate in an open mic…