Crazy Wisdom Bookstore and Tea Room in Ann Arbor ( will host an open mic night this Wednesday, May 21, at 7:30 pm. So grab some of your poems or a short fiction piece, come on up to the 2nd Floor of Crazy Wisdom (at 114 S. Main St. in A2), and take a turn…
Category: Events
Upcoming CW Faculty Readings
Catch Christine Hume reading at the William P. Faust Public Library in Westland on Wednesday, 4/23, at 7PM. William P. Faust Public Library of Westland 6123 Central City Parkway, Westland, MI 48185 / 734-326-6123 Next month, Christine will join Janet Kauffman for a reading at the Schultz-Holmes Memorial Library in Blissfield on Tuesday, 5/6,…
BathHouse Reading Series – Janet Kauffman and Jeff Parker – Wednesday, April 2, 5:00 pm
Please join us for the last BathHouse Reading of the year featuring Janet Kauffman and Jeff Parker (Co-sponsored by Campus Life). Apr. 2, 5pm (NEW DATE) Student Center Auditorium, Eastern Michigan University campus Reception to follow at Frenchie’s in Depot Town Janet Kauffman will read from her new book Trespassing: Dirt Stories & Field Notes,…
textsound Launch Party
The editors of textsound, a locally produced online audio journal, are hosting a launch party on April 5th at the Dreamland Theater in Ypsilanti. The website ( went live February 25th and is getting hit from all sides. Noise musicians, modern composers, poets with musicians, and poets without them are reaching audiences locally, nationally, and…
Carla Harryman joins the CW Program
Carla Harryman has joined the Creative Writing Program (and will begin teaching this Fall!). A poet, playwright, novelist, and essayist, Harryman’s recent publications include the book-length poem Open Box (Belladonna, 2007), the novel Gardener of Stars (Atelos, 2001), Baby (Adventures in Poetry, 2005), & the selected mixed-genre writings, There Never Was a Rose Without a Thorn…
Lyceum presents: Crash Course in the Bible and Literature
Have you noticed how many biblical references there are in the literature you study? Have you wondered how you are supposed to know this stuff? Well, here’s a chance to get some of those questions answered! THURSDAY at 6:30pm in 618 Pray Harrold, Dr. Holkeboer will be coming to present on the Bible in Literature….
Creative Writing Undergraduate Showcase
The Undergraduate Creative Writing Showcase will take place Tuesday, April 15, 5pm, in the Carillon Room at the Halle Library. Show your support and stop in to hear some great work from EMU’s undergrad writers!
Creative Writing Graduate Showcase Gets New Day & Time!
The Creative Writing Graduate Showcase will take place on Friday, April 11, at 5:00-7:00 pm in Rm. 330 of the EMU Student Center. (This is a change from the previously annouced Tuesday night/Halle Library location.) This is a public event, and all members of the campus community are encouraged to attend. If you are graduating this…
50/50 Planning Meeting – Feb 7, 9:30 pm
A planning meeting to organize the second annual 50/50 anthology will take place at the Tower Inn on Feb. 7, 9:30 pm. This is your opportunity to speak your mind regarding the appearance and other details of our home-grown anthology of graduate student work. Please RSVP to Barry at bgraham<at>emich<dot>edu if you plan to attend….
“Image and Text” Artists’ Panel Discussion
Date / Time: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 – 6 p.m. Location: 208 Wilson Hall Hosted By: Oakland University Art Gallery In conjunction with the current exhibition, “Image and Text,” the participating artists will discuss their work. The event is free and open to the public. For more info: Phone: (248) 370-3005 Fax: (248) 370-4208 E-mail: …