Ted Greenwald of New York, NY will appear at two events on Thursday, November 20: 1PM: Informal Discussion on Poetry, Artists’ Spaces and Collaboration: New York 70s With Barrett Watten and Brad Flis English Department Conference Room 10302 5057 Woodward, Wayne State University 7 PM: Reading Poetry with Detroit Poet Dennis Teichman Museum of Contemporary…
Category: Events
Call for Papers at Feminist Poetics & Activism conference
Advancing Feminist Poetics and Activism: A Gathering CUNY Graduate Center, Fall 2009 In celebration of its tenth year, Belladonna (belladonnaseries.org) will join with The CUNY Graduate Center’s Women’s Studies Certificate Program, Center for Research on Women and Society, Center for Humanities, Poetics Group, and English Department to present a conference aimed at advancing and broadcasting…
Katy Lederer Visit – Wednesday, Nov 12, 6:30 pm, 302 Halle Library
KATY LEDERER will visit CRTW: 527 (The Lyric Essay) Nov 12 at 6:30 in the Halle Library, Rm 302 to discuss memoir, creative nonfiction, poetry, the financial crisis, and her work as editor of Fence. Katy Lederer is the author of the poetry collections Winter Sex and The Heaven-Sent Leaf as well as the memoir Poker Face: A…
Cellar Roots Accepting Submissions
Cellar Roots is currently accepting submissions for its 39th edition. You can get full submission guidelines and submit online through the Cellar Roots website: www.emich.edu/cellarroots. Works of fiction, poetry, and art in all mediums are welcome. Deadline: DECEMBER 1st, 2008 Don’t forget to submit! This is a great chance to have your work published in a beautiful,…
BathHouse Event: Peter Markus and Renee Gladman, Nov 3, 7pm
The final BathHouse reading of the semester is tonight! PETER MARKUS and RENEE GLADMAN Monday, November 3, 7:00 pm Dreamland Theater http://www.dreamlandtheater.com/ 26 N. Washington Street, Ypsilanti Directions to Dreamland Theater from EMU : http://www.mapquest.com/mq/4-0oQyTTWMT8yk9Y3zFM0l PETER MARKUS is the author of three short books of short-short fiction, Good, Brother, The Moon is a Lighthouse, and…
BathHouse Event: Jim Shepard and Ron Hansen, Oct 29, 5pm
The next BathHouse reading is tomorrow: JIM SHEPARD and RON HANSEN Wednesday, October 29, 5:00 PM Auditorium, Student Center, EMU JIM SHEPARD is the author of six novels, including most recently Project X, and three story collections, including most recently Like You’d Understand, Anyway, which was nominated for the National Book Award and won The…
BathHouse Event: George Legrady Today (October 21, 4pm)
George Legrady: An Opening Reception for Cell Tango Oct. 21, 4-6 pm Ford Gallery, EMU George Legrady is a Professor of Interactive Media at UC, Santa Barbara. Cell Tango is an animated, interactive installation featuring a dynamically evolving array of images transmitted from all over the globe by participants using cell phones. The organization of…
Opportunity for EMU Poets & Performers
Work with poets 8-11 yrs old! 826 Michigan is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting students aged 6 to 18 with their creative and expository writing skills. In a workshop called “Fairy Tale Poems,” 8-11 year old poets have written poems inspired by the fairy tale, “The Snow Queen.” These students will read their work at…
College for Creative Studies-Center Galleries, Detroit hosts The Grand Piano
Steve Benson, EMU’s own Carla Harryman, Lyn Hejinian, Tom Mandel, Ted Pearson, Kit Robinson, and Barrett Watten perform an ensemble reading from The Grand Piano: An Experiment in Collective Autobiography – San Francisco, 1975–1980. Free and open to the public. Saturday, October 4, 3 PM The Wendell W. Anderson, Jr., Auditorium Walter B. Ford II…
George Legrady, Cell Tango at Ford Gallery
What: BathHouse journal is sponsoring the exhibition: George Legrady, Cell Tango, in Ford Gallery. George Legrady is an internationally exhibited installation artist who is currently Professor of Interactive Media at UC Santa Barbara. Cell Tango is a dynamically evolving archive of cellphone-transmitted images contributed by participants from anywhere within the reach of cellular transmission and…