Day 1 On the first day of the Bathhouse readings we listened to Dimitri Anastasopoulos, Camille Roy, and Rachel Letvisky read from some of their past works as well as new pieces either recently published or currently being written. Having four creative writing classes this semester I’ve read pieces from every one of those writers.
Category: BathHouse
Bathhouse Past
Last Month On November 28th and 29th Emu Students and the extended community invited Dimitri Anastasopoulos, Camille Roy, and Rachel Levitsky to read at the Bathhouse event on campus. The EMU students have written reviews of the event and the blog is only too glad to share this with you. The writers each read from…
Bathhouse and more
This week is jam packed with creative writing. Bathhouse reading series presents two performers. November 28th will be a reading featuring Dimitri Anatasopoulo, Camille Roy, and Rachel Levitsky. Then, join us on the 29th for a panel discussion with our presenters moderated by our own Carla Harryman entitled: Intersections: Community, Politics and Art. The event takes place at Roosevelt…
BathHOUSE Journal – Readers/Contributing Editors
Jonah Mixon-Webster, a current CW grad student and newly selected Editor-In-Chief of the international hypermedia journal, BathHOUSE, is looking for Readers/Contributing Editors for the BH Journal. Readers will review submissions of hypermedia text/visual/sound work and provide feedback on what they think will or will not fit with the journal’s direction. Contributing Editors will have the…
Graduate Showcase – Thursday, April 26, 6:00 p.m.
Celebrate another year of Creative Writing with the Creative Writing Graduate Showcase, taking place on Thursday, April 26, 6:00-8:00 pm, in the Student Center’s University Gallery. Graduating students Sean Kilpatrick, Ned Randolph, and Jack Visnaw will present their MA projects. Additionally, the BathHouse Hypermedia Journal will premiere the release of issue 9.1, featuring works by…
Emily Riopelle reviews Konrad Steiner
EMU student Emily Riopelle reviews Konrad Steiner’s recent appearance at the Dreamland Theater: Speaking to the Movies By Emily Riopelle Konrad Steiner’s presentation at the Dreamland Theater was wonderfully varied and engaging. Steiner presented a collection that demonstrated his range of work including short, abstract films, films in combination with poetry, and his most recent…
Reminder: Konrad Steiner – The New Talkies – March 12-15
This is it! The big week is here: The New Talkies with Konrad Steiner will be taking over Ypsi through a trio of events, March 12-15, including lecture demonstrations, performances, and a cabaret, co-organized with Carla Harryman. All events are free and open to EMU students, the EMU community, and the public. Mon., March 12, Live…
BathHouse Reading Series – Updated Event List
Konrad Steiner’s upcoming BathHouse reading is only one part of a trio of unique events that will be taking place in March. Read on… Konrad Steiner’s The New Talkies: Lecture Demonstrations and Interdisciplinary Performances – March 12, 14, and 15 Biography Since 1981 Konrad Steiner has been making short non-narrative films in the American experimental…
Ian MacDonald reviews Dodie Bellamy
EMU Student Ian MacDonald responds to Dodie Bellamy’s recent BathHouse reading: Dodie Bellamy “Whistle While you Dixie” The few pictures I had seen of Dodie Bellamy in the few works of hers I’d read did not seem to reflect her real-life counterpart. From my vantage amongst the stadium seats I saw her emerge from the…
Anthony Alaniz reviews Dodie Bellamy
EMU student Anthony Alaniz reviews Dodie Bellamy’s recent BathHouse reading: Whistle While You Dixie and Bellamy “I was on an adventure,” proclaimed Bellamy as she read from her hard-to-find book, Whistle While You Dixie in the Eastern Michigan University Student Center Auditorium on February 7, 2012. Whistle While You Dixie is split into an essay and…