Congratulations to Jesse Eagle and Lucy Carnaghi for being honored at the EMU English Department’s Celebration of Student Excellence this month. Jesse received the Creative Writing grad award and Lucy was the distinguished Creative Writing undergrad. Nice work, folks!
Category: Uncategorized
English Department Book Sale
The English Department is having a book sale this week and next, Monday through Friday. Stop by the 6th Floor of Pray-Harrold — hagglers are welcome! Contact Pat Healy in the English Dept. for more info at 734-487-4220.
Coffee House Press seeks Development Manager
Here’s a recent job opportunity from Coffee House Press for a Development Manager position. Application deadline is Feb. 28, 2010. Here is their official annoucement: Coffee House Press Seeking Development Manager Position to start May 1, 2010 Application deadline February 28, 2010 Coffee House Press is one of the leading nonprofit literary publishers in the…
Capstone Project reminder
The Capstone Project is a graduation requirement for all Creative Writing undergrad majors. If you’re on of those folks, you’ll want to read through the following brief guide to completing your Capstone Project: The Capstone should be a complete and polished creative work, a demonstration of your abilities as they have developed during your time in…
Deadline updates
Important deadlines to be aware of (graduating students take special note): All programs now have Project contracts that need to be signed in order to begin working on the thesis. (forms are available through the Grad Handbook, Christine Neufeld or Pat Healy). The deadline for thesis/project submission for students intending to graduate in APRIL is early:…
Graduating? Plan ahead for Masters Writing Project
Attention CRTW grad students! If you are graduating next academic year, it’s an excellent time to start planning ahead for your Masters Writing Project, your final interdisciplinary project. In your final semester, you’ll take ENGL 693: Masters Writing Project with an advisor of your choice (either Christine Hume or Carla Harryman). You may want to…
Important deadlines for Winter ’10 semester
Winter 2010 15-Week Deadlines January 5 – The last date to register for Winter classes to avoid a $120 late fee. January 13 – In-person registration permission required – contact must be made with Records and Registration to finalize registration. January 15 – Last date for 100% tuition refund (individual or total drop from term)…
Happy End of Semester!
Fall 2009 has come to a close. Enjoy your break and the holidays! (Don’t forget, Cellar Roots submission deadline is December 24. Read the submission info on the Cellar Roots web site — and get those entries in! Your work might just see print in the 2010 edition!)
Found Word Poetry
Check out Found Words Street Poetry, an exercise in creating poetry from randomly chosen words. The precise process is described, and a couple samples are available for reading (as are the visual collages created using the same technique). Try it out and play around with how you put words together.
Play around with FontStruct
Mixed media folks or anybody who needs to play around with the look of their letters might be interested in taking a look at FontStruct, a free online font-building tool. FontStruct allows you to create fonts constructed out of geometrical shapes, which are arranged in a grid pattern, like tiles or bricks. FontStruct also allows users to generate…