Ypsilanti, Michigan-based VGKids will sponsor an effort to connect artists and musicians with available studio space. The project, Spur Studios, will center on rehabilitating long-vacant office space in Ypsilanti into private studios. Artists and musicians are often considered a cultural asset, attracting young talent and fresh businesses. James Marks, Founder and Creative Director of VGKids,…
Category: Uncategorized
“Cannibalism, Consumerism, and the Cultures of Cruelty” – Summer ’09 course
Here’s an interesting course being offered this Summer at EMU: Cannibalism, Consumerism, and the Cultures of Cruelty (LITR 480/592 WGST 479/592). For a detailed course syllabus, visit: http://people.emich.edu/acoykenda/480/s09/
Inaugural poem – remixed
Writing folks might like to check out Elizabeth Alexander’s inaugural poem, “Praise Song For The Day,” in 50 different remixed versions at Poetry Foundation.org. Check out these interesting interpretations here.
Planning on graduating in April? Read this!
Planning on graduating at the end of Winter semester? Make sure you read the graduation checklist for your program. Creative Writing Graduate Student Checklist: http://www.emich.edu/public/english/creative-writing/graduate_gradchecklist.php Creative Writing Undergraduate Student Checklist: http://www.emich.edu/public/english/creative-writing/undergrad_gradchecklist.php And Grad students, mark your calendars! Invite your friends and family to the GRADUATE SHOWCASE on Friday, April 10th at 4 PM in the…
Welcome to Winter ’09!
Welcome back to all EMU Creative Writing folks. Hopefully, you had an enjoyable break and are ready to tackle Winter semester. Here are a couple of reminders: The CW Blog wants and welcomes your contributions. Send a report on a BathHouse reading, a review of a recently published novel, links to pertinent news articles, or…
President Bill
Bill Barr is the new President of the Creative Writing Graduate Student Organization! Congratulations Bill!
Janet Kauffman – The Tribute Interview
This collective interview is a tribute to Janet Kauffman’s 20 years at EMU, and to her careers as writer, teacher, and environmental activist. In the spirit of Janet’s collaborative fire, students and faculty of the Creative Writing program play the interviewer here, where inquiry bears the weight of our admiration and appreciation. Particular thanks to…
The CW Blog Returns
After a few technical problems, the Creative Writing Blog is back! Check here frequently for news about upcoming talks, readings, and department-related activities of interest to grad and undergrad CW students, faculty, instructors, and other EMU folks with an interest in creative writing. The CW Blog is always welcoming submissions. Send your material to Jack Visnaw…