Please join us for our last BathHouse Event of the 2022-2023 academic year with Melissa Febos. Please register for the zoom event in advance HERE
Tyrone Williams & Julie Patton || 2 DAYS || LIVE IN PERSON Events
One week from today BathHouse Events will be hosting one our first in person events since 2020! While this is an excellent opportunity to experience writing from these prolific and exceptional writers, it also provides a chance for the writing community of Southeast Michigan to reunite after three years of virtual readings and creative isolation….
Poetry from The Bloc
Last fall the Creative Writing program at EMU offered a graduate course listed as CRTW 550: Community Outreach for Creative Writers, with the subtitle “Poetry, Pedagogy, Abolition,” which nourished a creative collaboration with incarcerated women at the Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility (WHV), while examining the prison industrial complex. Through this partnership, the class researched…
TONIGHT @ 6pm || BathHouse Events || Joyelle McSweeney
Please register for the event HERE:
BathHouse Journal Launch – TONIGHT @ 8pm EST
Our celebratory launch event for BHJ#23: Fractured is here — and we hope you’ll be joining us! If you haven’t already, please sign up (free) here to receive an invitation link to the virtual event (via Zoom) that will feature live readings from some of the wonderful poets published in the issue, including Deborah Meadows, Megan Duffy, Dinisha Thompson, Valerie Hsiung,…
BathHouse Journal’s 23rd issue — Fractured — has arrived! As verb and noun, in content and form, in aesthetic and design — BathHouse Journal‘s 23rd issue is visually and thematically Fractured. In fact, the issue itself is fractured with the featured works and authors broken in two by the inclusion of a special section: Poetry from The Bloc. Click Here to view the…
The most common definition of “exhume” — to dig out or remove (something buried) from beneath the ground* — is fertile soil on its own, but the term’s fundamental concept — to unearth, bring to light* — expands BHJ22‘s theme’s scope by compelling the exposure of that which is obscured. Click Here to view the featured…
Experimental Narrative with Eugene Lim
As part of Creative Writing @ EMU and BathHouse Event’s Winter 2022 reading series, experimental novelist and writer Eugene Lim shared inquisitive writing methods and innovative story construction. Likewise, Lim discussed the ‘sudden beauty’ of evaporating expectations within a narrative, as well as acknowledging the quality of re-reading. Perhaps most notably, Lim shared his thoughts…
Jackie Wang | The Prison Abolitionist Imagination | An Introduction by Parker Wilson
This past autumn, BathHouse Events had the honor of hosting Jackie Wang as part of our Fall 2021 reading series. This event featured a powerful reading and discussion of Wang’s books Carceral Capitalism and The Sunflower Cast a Spell to Save Us from the Void, leaving the audience with a “vibrational awakening” as Wang calls…