Barzakh, a biannual multi-genre journal with an internationalist stance
run by graduate students in the English department at the University at
Albany – SUNY, is open to submissions for its next issue to be published in
May of 2012. “Barzakh” is a word / concept that names the connecting
link, the “between” of something, such as different spheres of existence.
In light of the current global occupy movements, Barzakh is seeking
innovative creative, critical and collaborative writing as well as writing
in translation that specifically addresses the political implications of
“the idea of being as essentially being-with-one-another.” When we are
“being-with-one-another” and aware of the “between” we are vulnerable
because our position can be changed. How can language
specifically address and facilitate this vulnerable “between”? How could a
unity of diversity be articulated? How could an all-inclusive polis be one
that is based on differentiation and not assimilation and what role would
innovative language play in it? How can language facilitate and perform
reciprocity? For its next issue Barzakh is looking for innovative
creative, critical and collaborative writing as well as writing in
translation that addresses the ethos and praxis of sharing in common a
polis that is contingent on the “between” of “being-with-one-another.”
Submission deadline for May 2012 issue: February 28, 2012
Send submissions to: