Greetings to incoming students and welcome back to returning grads and undergrads. Take note of the important information below as we head into Fall semester.
All students: Effective for fall semester, the application to graduate will be online through the student’s emich account with fee payment to their student account. Click here for details.
Graduate students: Take note of the following events to kick off the semester and orient newcomers:
Creative Writing Grad Student/Faculty Get-Together
Thursday, Sept 1st, 7-10 p.m.
Corner Brewery
720 Norris Street, Ypsilanti
Show up to welcome our seven new grad students! Feel free to bring partners, spouses, significant others etc.
Mandatory New Grad Student Orientation
(all grad students encouraged to come)
Friday, Sept. 9th from 4-6 pm.
Pray-Harrold building
The first hour will be in Pray-Harrold Rm. 421 and will be a Creative Writing specific orientation; the second hour will be a general English Dept orientation in Pray-Harrold Rm. 301. Later on that evening, all graduate students, faculty and lecturers are invited to Christine Neufeld’s home for a Back to School Party. See your e-mail for details.