After a few technical problems, the Creative Writing Blog is back! Check here frequently for news about upcoming talks, readings, and department-related activities of interest to grad and undergrad CW students, faculty, instructors, and other EMU folks with an interest in creative writing.
The CW Blog is always welcoming submissions. Send your material to Jack Visnaw (jvisnawi <at> Submissions can include:
- announcements about your work (including cognate work and work appearing online)
- transcripts of your self-conducted interviews with local or visiting writers
- your original reviews of books or readings by local or visiting writers
- info about where to find recent interviews and book reviews of visiting authors, submission/contest opportunities, and articles on writing and publishing
- anything else you think might be of interest to folks involved with the CW program
Content suggestions are always welcome! Special thanks go out to Christine Hume and Steve Benninghoff for getting the Blog back on track!