Welcome back to all EMU Creative Writing folks. Hopefully, you had an enjoyable break and are ready to tackle Winter semester. Here are a couple of reminders:
- The CW Blog wants and welcomes your contributions. Send a report on a BathHouse reading, a review of a recently published novel, links to pertinent news articles, or anything else you think might be of interest to EMU’s CW community to Jack Visnaw at jvisnawi<at>emich.edu.
- EMU Creative Writing also has its own YouTube channel. You can submit footage from student readings to Christine Hume’s mailbox in the English Department office. Clips must be less than 10 minutes, on CD, and ready for the web. E-mail Christine Hume at chume<at>emich.edu if you have questions. You can visit the YouTube channel and check out clips of readings on campus at: