EMU writing instructor Peter Markus has released a new book of stories, We Make Mud, through Dzanc Books. He describes it as “53 new stories of brothers and mud, river and fish.” Congratulations Peter! Now everyone go out and buy a copy or ten. Find out more about We Make Mud by clicking here.
Category: Opportunities
Congrats Ned Randolph!
Congratulations to Creative Writing graduate student Ned Randolph! Ned will have a piece published in the next issue of Platte Valley Review at University of Nebraska Kearny.
NOS* (*not otherwise specified) Book Contest!
The submission deadline is almost here for the NOS* (*not otherwise specified) Book Contest. Submit a manuscript of 64-250 pages with a $25.00 entry fee by September 9th, 2011. Electronic submissions only. A prize of $1,000 and publication by Les Figues Press will be given for the winning poetry or prose manuscript. All entrants will…
NANO Prize accepting submissions until August 31
The 3rd Annual NANO Prize (2011) is approaching its deadline, but you still have the full month of August to submit! Entry is $15 for three flash pieces of 300 words or fewer, and that includes a year long subscription to NANO Fiction. Deadline is August 31. Winners will be announced in the middle of…
Sidebrow Open Reading Period – August 2011
Sidebrow is holding an open reading period for unpublished book-length manuscripts of prose, poetry, cross-genre, and collaborative work through the end of August 2011. There will be a $20 reading fee for each submitted manuscript. As thanks for helping develop Sidebrow’s collaborative projects, Sidebrow contributors will be offered a discounted reading fee of $10 per…
Littoral Press Poetry Prize now accepting submissions
The fourth annual Littoral Press Poetry Prize is now accepting submissions! Here’s what you need to know: First place: 50 letterpress-printed broadsides of the winning poem. Three honorable mentions: earlier Littoral Press broadsides. $10 entry fee for 1-2 poems, $5 each additional (may be previously published). Maximum length: 30 lines. Mail check & poems to…
Community Outreach opportunity (2011-2012)
EMU M.A. students: need credit for the Community Outreach (CRTW 550) class? Consider serving as an assistant to Professor Rob Halpern for one-year for a course he is teaching at the Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility. This is a course-credit only (unpaid) opportunity. If you are interested, please respond directly to Professor Halpern (rhalpern@emich.edu). You will register for a…
Sidebrow submission deadlines
Sidebrow is a literary press dedicated to collaborative experiments in publishing. Check out the various avenues for submissions below: Web Site & Projects The deadline for Sidebrow’s next reading period for submissions to the Web site and our various ongoing projects is July 1. Consider this a nudge to send along your best work. http://www.sidebrow.net/submit Book-Length…
Ahsahta Press Chapbook Contest
Ahsahta Press is accepting manuscripts (25-40 pp) through June 30, 2011. The fee is $15; entries accepted through Submission Manager. $1,000 will be awarded for a chapbook of poems. The winning volume will be published in April 2012 by Ahsahta Press. Final judge is Cathy Wagner. Full details at: http://ahsahtapress.boisestate.edu/chapcontest.htm
Ann Arbor Book Festival, June 25
Ann Arbor Book Festival will take place Saturday, June 25, 2011. Don’t miss out on a variety of exciting activities, including an author’s forum, storytelling for children, and a writer’s conference. Find detailed info about the Writer’s Conference here. There are a limited number of scholarships available in regard to the Conference. E-mail Jeff Kass…